Shamanic Adventurer and Esoteric Explorer. Adeon blends together ancient wisdom teachings and processes into application for a modern world. Described as a spiritual entrepreneur, mind hacker, journey guide and Rainbow Warrior. His passion is helping all sincere aspirants find freedom in living their highest purpose and healing their deepest wounds.

Helping People Grow

Simon Ford Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Do it! Your life will be changed remarkably for the better.

I Have attended many of Adeon's Shamanic Journey retreats in Daylesford VIC.

Initially curiosity led me to work with Adeon, but ultimately my aim was to evolve out of the place, the prison I had created around myself fuelled by negative thoughts. To become a better version of myself, a better partner and lover to my wife, a better friend to those I cherish.

I felt the container, the space, the circle that Adeon created was respectful and supportive. I felt safe from the get go. Adeon has a way of allowing the process to organically evolve whilst still keeping a watchful eye on proceedings.

I do feel a massive weight has been lifted ..the old skin has been shed...I feel like I am a much better version of myself, more open, more calm, stronger, confident. The task of integrating new learnings into my life is ongoing but now I can act with confidence & certainty.

I have recommended Adeons retreats and workshops to many of my friends. If you are considering participating in one... Do it!.....your life will be changed remarkably for the better. We are all being asked to step up as human beings on the planet, to be better versions of ourselves, to awaken, open up and lead fulfilling lives...start here!

Su F QLD, Australia

A 5-Star experience

I have had the honour of participating in a number of Shamanic Journeys with Adeon more than a dozen times and I feel each time is A very unique experience.

It is always a 5-star experience with amazing facilitators and I have gained much clarity, lightness & trust within my body. I do highly recommend this experience to many people, but only the very brave seem to step up & forward for this incredible work. I'm sooo grateful. Do It, 100%

Kevin Springmount, vic, australia

I have journeyed with Adeon twice at his location in Trentham, VIC. It was a shamanic journey in a group setting. Once in a dome and the other time by the lake.

My intention for my journey was to open up portals for light and love to come through, ignite my own shamanic initiation, learn about myself, heal, grow, develop insight and deep listening and witnessing skills as well as holding space for others.

With absolute care and professionalism and a flair of casual which, to me, is the perfect combination. I felt absolutely safe under Adeon's care.

I've gained a deeper understanding of myself and the different layers I consist of. I've gained insight into my emotional triggers and learned to work with them. I've deepened my spiritual practices and I am able to stay much more in the present moment as a witness throughout daily life, it has helped me tremendously. I have gained a clearer vision of my purpose here on earth and a fully embodied acceptance of how my path is unfolding. I have an understanding of what love and unity is, our connection to each other, mother earth, father sky and great spirit. I see clearly when my behaviors and reactions come from conditioning and am so able to transform this to express my authentic self instead. I have experienced multiple openings, also beyond the sessions with Adeon.

I highly recommend Adeon and his work 100%!

Adeon is a loving person with extraordinary abilities, he will definitely be a good influence on one's life and the community at large.

It has been an absolute joy working with you brotherman! Looking forward to our next lakeside adventure into non-ordinary reality and beyond! - Adeon

Jai Watson Melbourne

Freedom, Hope and Gratitude for Life

I attended Adeon's retreat in Arizona in 2019.

My intention for participating in this retreat was for my own healing purposes.

The event was facilitated in a safe, respectful and supportive way. Adeon's relaxed, warm and calm approach to holding space created an ideal healing space for me. I have since developed a greater sense of freedom, hope and gratitude for my life.

I would highly recommend participating in Adeon's events.

Trust, let go, surrender, and allow the magic to unfold.

Prime H San Diego, CA

A truely magical healing experience

I attended 2 of Adeon’s magical healing ceremonies and have seen others healed as well as myself dramatically.

I was completely suicidal and had PTSD and dying inside from child abuse. I was looking for any kind of answer or change as I also had lost faith in society.

A truly magical healing experience. Adeon’s demeanor and personalization to each person in healing is extremely special and powerful. I felt like it was a true homecoming from being at war and being scared my whole life.

I went from wanting to end my life to wanting to be a lightworker and fulfill my true purpose in life. I have found God, given forgiveness to all including my parents. I don’t have any night terrors any more and went from 2-3 hours a night of sleep to 7-9.

I can recommend Adeon and his work 1000%

Trust your heart and surrender. Sometimes I feel anxiety before one of these sessions, it's like jumping out of an airplane and learning all the lessons of your life on the way down.

Dear Prime, Thank you so much for your words and support. Its been an incredible honor working with you and all the brothers out there on the front lines of consciousness. To all the Rainbow Warriors out there! Lets do this! - Adeon

Bethany Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


I was led to Adeon through an old friend that knew my long history and personal battles. I've come from a strict religious upbringing which gave me a very narrow worldview from childhood. My adult life has led me to question the organized religion of my family and find my own beliefs. My mind has been opened and my acceptance of the divine order of the universe is beginning to grow.

Adeon has guided me gently and safely to find my path and my truth. With his deep understanding of the sacred role he performs, he humbly allows me the time and space to have my own unique experience in a safe, loving, and comfortable environment.

A burning question in my mind after dismissing my childhood faith revolved around my fears of death and nothingness, of ceasing to exist. The thought would cause me chronic anxiety and depression. Losing loved ones has been unbearable. After the experiences Adeon has facilitated, I feel at peace knowing everything that has and always will be ok. I know my experience may be different from anyone else, but I hope everyone can share the peace and comfort I've been given.

If you are curious, bring your open mind to Adeon. He will gently guide you towards an open door, then it is up to you to trust that everything is going to be okay, you can take that last step.

Having been back a handful of times, I hope to meet you there to be a part of your experience. Everyone I've met here has shared in something amazing and I know you will too. Peace and love xo

Skye Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Huge Breakthroughs

I first attended one of Adeons retreats in 2018, and have since participated in many more!

Adeon facilitates these retreats with complete humility, integrity, and presence. I always felt completely safe, secure, and comfortable under his care and guidance.

I was experiencing serious health issues as well as a lack of purpose and clarity in my life and have since had some huge breakthroughs and learned so much since working with Adeon. For starters, his values and perceptions have definitely rubbed off on me and I feel that his guidance has played a massive role in my growth and evolution as a person. The chronic health symptoms that were holding me back have since shifted drastically. I really feel a lot better in my mind, body and emotional state. I have more clarity, insight and a deeper connection with my own inner guidance. I’ve developed a greater appreciation for life and connected with a beautiful community. I am so grateful for the selfless and life-changing work Adeon does and for the previous time that I have spent with him.

I would highly recommend that other people join one of his retreats or workshops.

If you are interested in expanding beyond your current limitations, beliefs or conditioning then this is for you. I honestly can’t think of one person I know who wouldn’t benefit from doing this work with Adeon. Aho ??

David Jarvis Ferny Creek Victoria

I have had the privilege of creating with Adeon for nearly 20 years. Temples, Parties, Wokshops and Ceremonies.

Light, Love and True Connection.

Adeon is a Master. His facilitation is second to none, highly recommended. Adeon embraces the true essence of awakening. Forever a shining beacon of Wisdom and Love.

If you feel like you would like to step up to the next level then this Beautiful Soul will be your guide to becoming whole. Just Do It!

Thank you Master David, for introducing me to the Shamanic Arts, your an amazing guide and teacher. Total respect and love for all you do! -Adeon

Zoe Nightingale New York City

I was able to reconnect with the natural world and my creative powers

When attended a Shamanic healing journey with Adeon my intention was to let go of loss and sadness and get over my fear of death. I found Adeon to be Impeccable, the best ever. He was so funny and kind and sweet the whole time. Through the Journey, I was able to reconnect with the natural world and creative powers in a way I’ve never been able to before. Deep learning and healing.

Absolutely recommend. He is the literal best and I am deeply in love with his work.

David M Victoria Australia

This will change your life forever

I attended one of Adeons 2-day retreats, and what can I say but "WOW" ?

I came to heal and also meet other beautiful, loving people and their nature while doing it and have good intentions. Their calling came out naturally I’ve heard great things about these retreats, and the best part was it was better than what I was told. ❤️??

Profound the journey, amazing organisation, even more amazing people that we met amazing facilitators absolute professionals. Adeon is A very talented, gifted, loving person and Im sure glad to have met on my journey wow ? The other highlights are we met 23 strangers and we became a beautiful little community cooking fires Healing supporting each other. There was so much love couldn’t even describe The levels of love there’s no indicator that can describe that love. It was insane.

100% recommend it to anybody any age anyone that needs healing please go to one of these retreats it will change your life forever.

When you go to these events, you always second-guess what are you doing? Please don’t second-guess Healing will never hurt you and make you a better better person than when you went there. When you leave, you’ll be the best version of yourself. Enjoy the journey.

Kerry Soorley Tweed Heads Australia

For the good of all

I have attended a few shamanic healing workshops with Adeon with the intention to clear old patterns and negative behaviours and become a better me.

Adeon is a gentle caring and very intuitive soul with the ability to say and do just what is needed at the time . His shamanic abilities are phenomenal and imbibes trust and the purest intention for the good of all. My life has changed in so many ways. My self-love and growth and the dropping of old bad habits has been a huge journey.

Knowing Adeon’s pure heart and genuine love for people and his work, I couldn’t recommend him highly enough. Even just thinking of him my heart wells with love and gratitude for this man.

There are so many “shamans” out there but how do you find one who will with pure intention and love? Well, he is the real deal.

Danielle Tranter Australia

Life Changing

I attended Adeon’s workshop in Daylesford

I am a massage therapist/ Bowen Therapist/reiki/Pranic healer. Wanting to expand my self-awareness to help others

Adeon facilitated my journey very well. My experience has given me great gratitude and confirmation! life-changing ! Love love love !

Absolutely highly recommended to anyone looking for a totally amazing experience.

Thank you Danielle, it was so lovely to journey with you, back on home ground! Much love! - Adeon

Nebular Victoria, Australia

I go deeper and deeper into love and trust

I attended Adeon’s Shamanic journey in Daylesford, VIC, Australia

I had struggled my whole life with the trauma that I experienced in my childhood. I came to Adeon for help with letting go and healing my past and to reconnect with the earth.

Adeon held the space so beautifully! Words cannot describe how amazing it was to be in his presence and feel completely safe to express myself in whatever way needed to be expressed. His journeys are nothing like I have ever experienced. It takes a lot for me to feel safe with anyone and from the moment I met him, my whole body relaxed.

I expressed myself and let out all the rage, all the pain and brought in so much love. More love than I had ever imagined. My life has not been the same since. I have done 2 more journeys with Adeon and each time I go deeper and deeper into love and trust. I can honestly say that I feel no shame, guilt or fear around expressing myself and living my life to the fullest. Adeon stays with you the entire journey and he knows exactly where you are even if it looks like nothing is happening on the outside. His intuition and guidance is so spot on and his songs that he sang were unique and perfect for me. It blew my mind every time how he could know me so well and hold no judgment against me. I felt so safe and held within this space.

I highly recommend his work. DO IT!! You will NOT regret it! Adeon is amazing!

Mia Black New York, NY, USA

Participating in these ceremonies has changed my life

I have attended several shamanic journeys with Adeon in various parts of the U.S. Whenever he's on the North American continent, I make sure I'm there! It's an honor to have him travel across the globe to offer his incredibly profound and rare ceremonies.

I've had different intentions each time I came to ceremony, always having to do with personal growth and transformation. This often seems to involve letting go of the past, and releasing old patterns to make way for new ways of being, seeing the world, and relating to myself and others. Of course my intentions are met each time - and of course it's never in the ways I expect! That's the power, mystery, and grace of these ceremonies.

Each of Adeon's circles are facilitated so beautifully, and with a tremendous amount of care, as well as attention to the safety and well-being of all involved. I love the ceremonial and shamanic aspects - the altar with many sacred power objects, the drumming, flute playing, and singing, the prayers to call in the spirits. Adeon's deep connection with his helping spirits is evident, and it's through his incredibly beautiful and pure heart that these energies are expressed into the world.

It's not at all an exaggeration to say that participating in these ceremonies has changed my life. Perhaps we'll never understand how or why exactly, but it's clear that each time I participate, I am more aligned with my highest self, and set on the best possible course for my life. Rather than taking detours, rowing upstream, or even rowing at all, doing this personal work allows me to step fully into the river of my life and let it carry me, gracefully and without resistance, to my highest potential destiny.

I wish every human on this planet would participate in these circles - we can all benefit! I have recommended Adeon to many people, all of whom have also had life-changing experiences with him. He is transforming the world one person at a time, helping to bring each of us to a place of lasting inner harmony. He's truly a gift to all who have the honor of participating in a ceremony with him, and it's impossible to measure his profound butterfly effect on the entire world.

Thankfully, and in perfect cosmic design, Adeon and his ceremonies have arrived when humanity needs this most. Many of us are feeling the call to "level up," to stop playing small and give up what's just ok to make room for what makes us feel thrilled to get out of bed each morning. To find our true purpose, and do something that means something to us personally as well as to the collective. I can't recommend a better place to start or deepen your adventure of reaching your highest self.


I've attended a number of Adeons journey retreats within Australia, all at beautiful locations with unique landscapes. One of which was being held over the March 2019 Equinox. Which was an amazing way of harnessing powerful energies.

My intentions have been centered around spiritual growth and connection to source my soul and letting go old habits and behaviors that don't serve me well. And replace them with positive energy, love and light. And give a little back to this beautiful planet which provides so much.

Im always amazed at how well Adeon facilities and holds spaces for everyone involved, his ability to create calmness and provide a safe space, nurturing of individual needs, and trusting in his knowledge and experience. I feel at peace an a willingness to let go and open myself to be vulnerable within these circles to explore endless possibilities.

These experiences have heightened Connection to self, to family and friends. To healthier lifestyle choices. Opened new pathways to spiritual practices. To nature and the environment and my responsibility to nurture for future generations.

I definitely would recommend others to participate with Adeon, his technique as evolving, news things to be discovered, so I choose to continue work with him in love and trust and appreciation.

Life is an experience, so go ahead and explore this existence.. find out for yourself.

Bro! Thank you so much for your presence, your determination and your commitment to your path. Thanks again for the addition to the Altar space. Love it! - Adeon

Gareth Morgan Central Coast, Australia

This might just be the most important thing you do in your life

I've attended a few of Adeon's retreats now, two days in Byron Bay, a weekend workshop and two Journey days in Daylesford.

I've been on a spiritual path for all my adult life. My intention was to break through to new levels of consciousness, of myself, that have been calling to me for a while now.

Adeon reads and gives what is needed. It truly is his gift to the world. At times the process can be challenging but without fail Adeon's next words were exactly what needed to be heard and the result was a surrender into deep levels of trust. Those who helped facilitate are truly magical beings! I couldn't have been happier with the facilitation!

Each time I've come away knowing it was the most important thing I've done in my life. Life-changing doesn't really cover it, it's like being elevated to new life potentials that I otherwise might not have reached. To think that this can happen within such short windows of time is hard to comprehend, and so damn wonderful!

Opening to such levels of beauty and connection with Source/God/the Universe can't be put into words. Lastly, the people I've met through these retreats. Very special people, some of whom will be in my life till the end and that feels incredibly nice.

I can highly recommend Adeon and his work. In fact, I'm hoping my parents will be able to do this soon. They are in the last phase of their life together and I know that what Adeon's journeys could open them to would bring them to a place of peace, love, and appreciation that would make this a very magical phase for them and when the time came to allow them to let go.

Just go. It might just be the most important thing you do in your life.

Parker Y Los Angeles, CA

This experience undoubtedly changed my life for the better

I had the privilege of attending a Special Operations veterans retreat in The Sonoran desert with Adeon. I came to release what didn’t serve me, so that I could be of better service and improve my connection with the Universe/God. I got Exactly what I needed, including the best year of my life

Adeon is an absolute master. A true rockstar of the spirit world. He guided us with so much grace and compassion, giving all of himself so as to ensure our safe passage to healing, eternal bliss and perfect love. This experience undoubtedly changed my life for the better—all of our lives—and I am forever grateful. Thank you Adeon.

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Upcoming Events and Workshops

September 2023

8th - 12th

Punta Chueca Sonora Desert Mexico, 
Tiburón Island - Meet the Tribes and Elders of the Comcáac seri nation.

19th - 25th

Cancun Yucatan - Nature Immersion, Chichén Itzá Equinox, Cozumel Island Deep diving.


  • NeoShamanism
  • Journey's
  • Rainbow Warriors

Shamanic Journey's

Take a trip into non ordinary reality.

A guided shamanic journey takes you on a deep trance voyage into other worlds. Each journey is catered to the specific intention of the voyager and the possibilities are endless.

Travel through time and space, into past lives and other worldly dimensions to connect with Ancestor spirits, Totem Animals, Spirit Guides, and Interstellar consciousness. Dive deep into the essence of your own being through Soul Retrievals and lost memories, Deep Healing and profound awakenings are to be experienced.

Advanced journeys include the use of sacred practices, deep trance inductions, and engage the mind, body and spirit of the voyeur.


I go deeper and deeper into love and trust

I attended Adeon’s Shamanic journey in Daylesford, VIC, Australia

I had struggled my whole life with the trauma that I experienced in my childhood. I came to Adeon for help with letting go and healing my past and to reconnect with the earth.

Adeon held the space so beautifully! Words cannot describe how amazing it was to be in his presence and feel completely safe to express myself in whatever way needed to be expressed. His journeys are nothing like I have ever experienced. It takes a lot for me to feel safe with anyone and from the moment I met him, my whole body relaxed.

I expressed myself and let out all the rage, all the pain and brought in so much love. More love than I had ever imagined. My life has not been the same since. I have done 2 more journeys with Adeon and each time I go deeper and deeper into love and trust. I can honestly say that I feel no shame, guilt or fear around expressing myself and living my life to the fullest. Adeon stays with you the entire journey and he knows exactly where you are even if it looks like nothing is happening on the outside. His intuition and guidance is so spot on and his songs that he sang were unique and perfect for me. It blew my mind every time how he could know me so well and hold no judgment against me. I felt so safe and held within this space.

I highly recommend his work. DO IT!! You will NOT regret it! Adeon is amazing!

Nebular Victoria, Australia

Glasshouse Mountains. Queensland Australia


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