For the latest astrological updates check out Alex from Coyote Star Astrology. To Get your Natal Chart done or a reading inquire at

About the Author Alex

Alex Ransom is an Evolutionary Astrologer forging a dream career from her long-standing passion for the stars. Spellbound since childhood, Alex has been studying and mastering Astrology for over twenty years. Prior to Astrology, Alex studied Philosophy, Psychology, and Yoga, and fuses all three to elevate within life and guidance within her sessions.
Instagram @earth_to_coyote |

  • Carissa Starseed and alchemy’s ability have not found a way how to and totem animals eagle is wanting to talk to me but cant. I don’t see signs only that I get body goosebumps each time I discovering learning to come home I forgive myself ready to channel energy through palms of my hands to place into body of healing through Grace Goddess

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