Attention! This is a moon with a MESSAGE!? This approaching New Moon has our minds and hearts abuzz in the stimulating and questioning sign of Gemini. A square to dreamy Neptune suggests that clarity and direction around a situation is desired, and flighty Gemini can have us stirring impatiently and skeptically around the future.

With so much mutable energy, the path ahead seems to shapeshift and beckon with thievish delight, forming so many dancing mirages in the sands of time. This lunation marks a pit stop in our Venus Rx journey, as mercury, the ruler of this moon, joins Venus in her walk through the stars.

?Mercury is the cosmic messenger and will likely drop us a line in the form of an important conversation or issuing of new information within the next few days. Similarly, we may feel prompted to voice or communicate things that have been on our mind for the last few weeks. ⇠

HOW TO BALANCE THESE ENERGIES: ⇢ Gemini can get so lost in the mind that it can become detached from the heart and soul of a situation. Reach for the polarity – Sagittarius – for balance and grace. Sagittarius has been on the quest long enough to know that things always unfold the way they need to in the long term. Sagittarius KNOWS, while Gemini thinks, questions, and debates. ZOOM OUT of a situation, get the wisdom of an eagle eye view, and trust that despite all the semi-agitating mental details, there is method to the madness.

What is meant for you will be yours. Some things need to be said. There is a higher order, and a higher path than all this may suggest- something more stable, dignified, and true. (Also remember!- that we are still on the retrograde quest – we are still re-evaluating what the truth even is).

Sagittarius believes in luck, abundance, and fate – tap into the message and magic of the Archer and remember that all good things take time and the universe has your back. ❤️

Art by @hvalor

TO BOOK A READING WITH ME: To reach out for a reading inquire at follow me on instagram for more astrology! @earth_to_coyote Intro music brought to you by ASCENDANT, track is Sub-Orbital Forest, Available on Spotify 🙂

About the Author Alex

Alex Ransom is an Evolutionary Astrologer forging a dream career from her long-standing passion for the stars. Spellbound since childhood, Alex has been studying and mastering Astrology for over twenty years. Prior to Astrology, Alex studied Philosophy, Psychology, and Yoga, and fuses all three to elevate within life and guidance within her sessions.
Instagram @earth_to_coyote |

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